Setting back and forward as mouse buttons on a mac



I'm a recent Mac convert, and reusing my good old Logitech MX500 mouse. One thing that I really miss is having Back and Forward set to the side buttons (buttons 4 and 5 I believe). Is there any way to do this? I'd like to have it work at an OS level (in Finder), but I'd settle for just having Safari work too.

I tried USB Overdrive, but that ended up screwing other things up too. I do have Exposé, Dashboard, and Spaces mapped to other buttons on the mouse and don't want to lose those either.


Posted 2009-08-03T18:43:14.403

Reputation: 407



Do you have the logitech control center installed in the sys preferences? logitech control center download

That should let you map all the buttons you want.

Bryan Schuetz

Posted 2009-08-03T18:43:14.403

Reputation: 1 494

4I was really hoping to not have to install any logitech software :=/ I've had bad experiences... – swilliams – 2009-08-04T01:52:12.873


I agree with the non-Logitech driver idea. See my previous question about it:

– jtbandes – 2009-08-04T04:23:39.360

This ended up being the best way. Though it looks like Logitech's Mac software isn't as awful as its Windows stuff. – swilliams – 2009-08-10T19:38:29.690