How do I get rid of the Start Menu "zombie" icon?


Windows 7 has a large icon above the username on the right-hand pane of the Start menu. By default it is a faceless torso in a blue collarless shirt that I call the "zombie icon". (I don't know the icon's real name: it's so useless that Microsoft doesn't even discuss it when describing the Start menu. (Although "Molly Clark" has a zinnia icon instead of a zombie icon.)

The zombie icon fades from one pointless icon to another as you move your mouse over "Documents", "Computer", "Devices and Printers" etc. This icon is a waste of space and the fades are distracting.

How do I make it go away?

Robert Calhoun

Posted 2010-08-11T15:02:51.617

Reputation: 273

1OK, I figured out how to replace the zombie with a blank png. Now I have an icon that looks like a powered-off classic iMac.

I'd still prefer the whole thing to go away. – Robert Calhoun – 2010-08-11T15:08:10.517

1You can use Group Policy settings to remove your name from the start menu. I think this makes the "zombie" go away. – Borealid – 2010-08-11T15:09:56.900

I'm not on a domain so I needed this link to open the Local Group Policy Editor. Removing name from Start menu is XP/2003 only; removing the user directory link (newer OS equiv) does get rid of the menu item, but it doesn't get rid of the icon! Thanks, though, I am more inclined to try something that uses built-in MS tools.

– Robert Calhoun – 2010-08-11T16:10:03.793

Replace zombie icon with a vampire icon... a vampire sucking up all that useful space! – Jeff B – 2014-06-13T20:10:38.867



Tamara Wijsman

Posted 2010-08-11T15:02:51.617

Reputation: 54 163

Thanks! These may require more hacking then I can justify doing (it's a development box...I need to avoid unnecessary OS modifications) but you definitely got me on the right track on what needs to be done. Other useful links: Windows style builder ( and PandaX's list of required changes (

– Robert Calhoun – 2010-08-11T15:48:44.880

True, I tried to stay away from external software as those might increase resource usage. – Tamara Wijsman – 2010-08-11T20:08:51.800