Run SyncToy silently


How can I schedule SyncToy to run every day, but also to run silently, i.e. with no GUI and without interrupting other applications?

Currently I have it set to run every day, but it pops up a command window which comes to the front and steals focus from XBMC if it is open.

Sam Holder

Posted 2010-08-10T18:34:14.250

Reputation: 961



Configure your Task Scheduler job like this:

Actions tab -> Action: [Start a Program] -> Edit

Then Enter Program/script:


And then Enter Add Arguments:

/c start "Scheduled Task - SyncToy" /MIN "C:\Program Files\SyncToy 2.1\SyncToyCmd.exe" -R

When this task runs, a command window opens very briefly and closes, starting a new minimised window running SyncToy 2.1.


Posted 2010-08-10T18:34:14.250

Reputation: 21