I accidentally closed the terminal while running a wget
process to download a website. It has been 2 days since I started the wget process, so I don't know the process' status.
Yesterday the traffic was high and today the traffic is low. It looks like the wget process is finished, but on top
, it still shows wget running. This is confusing.
19133 root 15 0 751m 746m 1416 S 1.0 37.0 48:18.77 wget
How do I resume the wget process to see the status?
what command did you ran at the time along with wget ? – Prix – 2010-08-08T00:10:00.263
wget -k -m -r -q -t 1 http://www.web.com/
– None – 2010-08-08T00:39:47.410