How do I resolve page cannot be displayed issue while configuring a Wordpress blog?


I have installed a WordPress blog on different webhosting accounts but now I'm trying to install WP on my own server and running into issues.

Here's the issue. I've setup my own database using phpMyAdmin and everything seems correct. I've setup the changes to the config file. It looks as though it is setup correctly but it doesn't seem to be connecting to the CSS...

enter image description here

Ignoring the CSS issue I forge forward and try to setup the blog but after creating my admin account etc, and trying to access the blog or dashboard I get the "Page can't be displayed" page.

Is this an issue with my server, WordPress, or am I just missing something?


Posted 2010-08-06T03:27:44.557


can you post a screenshot with the URL in view? – Chris Kooken – 2010-08-06T03:31:04.347

@Jason: which version of Apache server are you using? XAMPP on Windows? or Linux ? – Michael Mao – 2010-08-06T03:39:22.800

I'm not a server guy, I don't know what baseURL is, or how to find it. I'm using Google to no avail right now. – None – 2010-08-06T04:07:09.930

I'm using Windows – None – 2010-08-06T04:07:50.943



Your baseURL is not setup correctly for the app. I forget exactly how to set it up if you cant get into the admin pages, there is a config file somwhere. Google is your friend.

Chris Kooken

Posted 2010-08-06T03:27:44.557

Reputation: 111

1That or you could just help me with a link or something. – None – 2010-08-06T04:16:04.027

can you please post a screenshot with the url in it? – Chris Kooken – 2010-08-06T13:57:21.720


If your base URL is the problem, then the link below should help. it shows you how to modify the baseURL manually.

you simply need to modify the wp-config.php file.


Posted 2010-08-06T03:27:44.557
