How to make a Linux program available on all desktops


In Ubuntu 10.04 running Gnome I can right click on any window and it gives me an option to show that window on all desktops, so even if I switch to a different virtual desktop, that window will always show. Is there a command in terminal that can do this?


Posted 2010-08-03T23:51:31.717

Reputation: 11 651



Use wmctrl with -b add,sticky attribute. For example, to pin Firefox, do:

$ wmctrl -r firefox -b add,sticky

By default wmctrl treats passed strings as a substrings for case-insensitive match with target window captions; pass -F to let it do case-sensitive, exact comparsion, and use special values :ACTIVE: and :SELECT: to use active window or let user click on the target.

wmctrl may be installed with sudo aptitude install wmctrl.


Posted 2010-08-03T23:51:31.717

Reputation: 14 146