Changing the background image of linux mint boot screen



I suppose the boot manager for linux is called grub, how do I change the splash image for it?


the methods mentioned don't quite do what I want. This grub is customized for linux mint it seems, (or something like that). It uses a graphical menu, this line in /boot/grub/menu.lst is responsible for that.

## Graphical boot menu location


Posted 2009-08-02T06:42:51.190

Reputation: 4 556



This article gives details on how to set it up. A summary:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick  # if you don't already have it
cd /boot/grub
sudo mkdir images
sudo cp menu.lst menu.lst.bak  # make a backup just in case
cd images
cp /path/to/image.jpg .
sudo convert -resize 640x480 -colors 14 image.jpg splashimage.xpm
sudo gzip splashimage.xpm

Now to tell grub to use that image...

sudo gedit ../menu.lst  # or your favorite editor

Add the following line below the initial comments:

splashimage (hd0,1)/boot/grub/images/splashimage.xpm.gz

Note: the (hd0,1) might be different for you, check the list of kernels in menu.lst to see what it needs to be.


Posted 2009-08-02T06:42:51.190

Reputation: 8 350


If using the command line is not your thing, you can use a tool called "Start-up manager", which simplifies things.

screenshot of the Start-up manager

It can be used to change lots of options, including the Grub background image.

The tool can be found via aptitude (Debian distribs), more info can be found here.

(Be careful changing boot options, as it could render your system unbootable.)


Posted 2009-08-02T06:42:51.190

Reputation: 2 764