software to automatically record telephone calls (landline)


I'm looking for some software which will record all calls made or received on my landline telephone. Any suggestions? I want to keep a record of all calls saved on my computer as MP3 or some other kind of compressed audio file. (Note: It's perfectly legal in my country to do this. I checked with my lawyer.) Thanks!

Also: This question is NOT a duplicate. Please don't close it. All of the other threads on this subject deal with Skype or cell phones, whereas I'm looking to record my LANDLINE!

Mark Jones

Posted 2010-07-30T18:58:13.363

Reputation: 67

Question was closed 2015-01-20T17:55:43.963

2How do you want to connect the audio to the PC? – Moab – 2010-07-30T19:12:00.310



Maybe this, not free


Audacity says it does sound activated recording, its free


Posted 2010-07-30T18:58:13.363

Reputation: 54 203