Windows Search Service Fails to Start


My Windows Search service will not run on my Windows Vista PC.

When I try to start it, I get the error:

Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.

The file C:\Windows\system32\SearchIndexer.exe does exist.

I have deleted all directories under C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search

Any ideas?


Posted 2010-07-23T10:36:06.213

Reputation: 395

There are high possibilities of your PC to be infected by a virus – Mr-Right – 2010-07-27T10:59:28.530

"I have deleted all firectories under C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search" I think you have found your problem. – Moab – 2010-07-28T21:00:24.520

@Mr-Right - there is no virus. @Moab - that is a suggested fix, it forces the index service to re-index everything, although it didn't work for me. – Techboy – 2010-07-30T09:41:50.520



I tried everything mentioned here: but it didn’t work.

So I ended up installing Windows Search 4 and now it is working.


Posted 2010-07-23T10:36:06.213

Reputation: 395


Try a scan for broken system files.

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type sfc /scannow and click OK

If there are any corrupt files, including the SearchIndexer.exe file - they will automatically be replaced with the good copy. You might need to pop in your Vista installation CD when prompted, if it does find any problems.

Failing this, a simple System Restore back to when it was all working okay should do the trick.


Posted 2010-07-23T10:36:06.213

Reputation: 15 359