Video card driver causing Windows Vista to blue screen


I bought an HP Pavilion dv2000 back when Windows Vista first came out and it was working quite well until the video card drivers started acting up 6 months ago. The laptop has an nVidia GeForce Go7200 and would blue-screen-of-death for the folliwng reason:


The blue-screen-of-death would occur randomly while running Windows Vista. No particular application would cause the issue. Then it started occurring during boot up. The only way I could run my laptop was in safe mode.

There was a driver update available through Windows update. I installed the update and it did not resolve the issue.

I reinstalled Vista on my laptop and it still kept happening. I have uninstalled the drivers and it is working with the default Vista video drivers.

Has anyone ever experienced this issue and know how to fix it?

Michael Kniskern

Posted 2009-07-31T22:05:32.797

Reputation: 525

@Nathan - Yes, I have reinstalled the drivers a few times and it did not solve the issue. I am sending in my laptop to HP for service. Hopefully that will resolve the issue. – Michael Kniskern – 2010-02-23T15:37:28.910

Did installing the new drivers as Troggy suggested help? – Nathan Fellman – 2009-12-26T21:21:47.950



I sent in my HP pavilion dv2000 in Hewlett Packard for service and they have informed me that I have a bad motherboard and processor. They offered me the option to replace the each item for a total cost of $733 US dollars. I declined and told them not to the original repairs on the notebook, so I am only out the initial $50 to speak with HP technical support.

Michael Kniskern

Posted 2009-07-31T22:05:32.797

Reputation: 525


If you are using the drivers that came with the machine or off the manuafactor website, you might want to try the driver from nvidia's website.




Posted 2009-07-31T22:05:32.797

Reputation: 10 191