I have a wi-fi connection at home. My laptop uses it.
I want to use an old ethernet hub that I have, connect two ethernet cables (one in a ps3, one in a media center) on it, and a cable going to my ethernet port in my pc.
I want to these devices to be able to see all machines like they were "wi-fi" too, possilby sharing a folder in my laptop so the media box and the ps3 would see it. My pc would be a "bridge" between the original wi-fi router. If possible, I would like to give ips to these ethernet machines using DHCP from my router (I believe this DHCP need is difficult or impossible).
Is this possible? I'm using Windows 7 64bits and Debian Lenny 5.0.5.
What about this line: "Is this possible? I'm using Windows 7 64bits and Debian Lenny 5.0.5." From the original question. The PS3 is one device, media center another, and the two OSes mentioned are Windows 7 and Debian... Plus the question mentions "pc." – nicorellius – 2010-07-14T16:49:25.170
Ah, I totally missed that. Revising my answer now. – Daisetsu – 2010-07-14T17:14:10.023
updated with what should work for windows 7 using a crossover cable from your laptop to whatever you need to connect to. I'm not sure if the crossover cable will work with the PS3 although it might. – Daisetsu – 2010-07-14T17:19:19.823