Outlook 2010 is always on top of other applications, why?



For some reason Outlook 2010 is "on top" of other applications... Does anybody how to stop this behavior?


Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 533

2Is there an "Always on top" option on the tools menu or Options dialog? I haven't got 2010 installed so I can't check - hence the comment rather than an answer. – ChrisF – 2010-07-01T08:54:22.297

Not that I could find... – noocyte – 2010-07-09T11:49:28.173



Make sure that there are no add-ins installed.
Edit to answer comment, originally from noocyte: You can see all loaded Add-ins in Outlook via "File - Options - Addins". Use Windows Add/remove programs to remove then.

If nothing helps, try to re-install outlook.

Another simple trick to try:

  • Right click on Task Bar
  • Click "Lock the taskbar"
  • Then again click on "Lock the taskbar"
  • Restart Outlook

Matan Eldan

Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 2 597

Removed all addins, now working. :) – noocyte – 2010-07-09T11:17:25.613

Comment from Craig: How do I discover if add-ins are installed? And if they are, how do I uninstall them?

– Gnoupi – 2010-07-19T11:40:11.763

1@user35719 Yes, and it's "Unpin from/Pin to taskbar" in Windows 10. – JosiahYoder-deactive except.. – 2019-09-17T20:04:13.287

7The "Lock the Task Bar" trick did it for me. (I hate having to use "Wave a Dead Chicken" solutions, but there it is.) – user35719 – 2013-08-05T14:13:30.160


Disabling the social connector add-in may solve this.

File → Options → Add-ins manage:COM Add-ins
Click on Go.

Uncheck the social connector add-in.


Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 71


I researched this exact issue after dealing with it for weeks. The only fix I found ended up being extremely simple. Right click on the windows task bar and unlock it (using "Lock the taskbar" option), then relock it. If it is not locked, then lock it, then unlock it, then relock.

sameer saleem

Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 31


In my particular case, this started happening after I installed the Salesforce for Outlook add-in. I uninstalled it and everything was fished again.


Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 21

heh heh... "fished again" - nice one Jesus, loaving it. – Drew – 2020-02-19T03:59:29.937


This worked for me:

  • Click on the start button.
  • Type in "regedit"
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins.
  • Then for each sub-folder listed, make sure the "Loadbehavior" file ends in a 2, for example, 0X00000002. If one doesn't double-click that file and change the number to 2. All should have that.

If it has anything else, especially 3 it is suppose to cause the main window to stay on top. One of my folders ended in 8 (0x0000008) and I changed to 2, restarted and works great now.

Previously, I disabled the addins under the Options/add-ins tab, but only briefly fixed the problem. the Lock/Unlock taskbar also did not change anything.


Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 21

As a side-note: "folders" in registry editor are known as keys, "sub-folders" as sub-keys, and "files" as values (various data types with values). They are not actual files and folders in the filesystem. This is merely a visual representation that looks a lot like files inside folders. – Samir – 2015-07-01T22:54:55.850


Open regedit and change the load behavior value to 3 for each of your addins in the following key:


Restart Outlook.


Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 11

This may or may not be a good answer, since I do not have the issue anymore I really wouldn't know... :) – noocyte – 2011-07-01T13:17:55.143


I had a new Windows 7 32 bit laptop with a factory installed copy of Microsoft Office 2010.

When I would click on new email, the email would always pop up behind the Outlook window. Also when I would click on the Insert Attachement button, selected the file to attach, and clicked OK, no attachment would show up in the body of the email.

I installed Office 2010 service pack 1 and restarted the machine. I then installed a couple of pending Office 2010 security updates and rebooted the machine again.

Following the installation of the security updates both issues resolved themselves without disabling add-ons or making any registry changes.


Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 11


I had the same problem and I finally found the following thread that helped me. http://www.techtalkz.com/microsoft-outlook/138776-new-mail-window-always-top.html

This might be helpful too in running the command that the above link recommends: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook-help/command-line-switches-HP001003110.aspx

Super easy and it fixed my problem immediately.


Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 11

1Welcome to SuperUser! While those links may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the links for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes. – Indrek – 2012-11-16T01:24:25.300


Restarting explorer.exe worked for me in Windows 7.

Andreas Rejbrand

Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 756

This does not provide an answer to the question. To critique or request clarification from an author, leave a comment below their post. - From Review

– JakeGould – 2015-12-16T04:29:29.160

@JakeGould: Actually, I think it does. But this solution might not work in every case. That, however, applies to most of the answers. – Andreas Rejbrand – 2015-12-16T11:56:10.957


I had this issue after installing Salesforce addin. I solved it as follows:

  1. Open the Options under the File tab.
  2. In General Settings there is a tick box for Enable Live Preview.
  3. Uncheck this and it now behaves as it should.


Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 1


This is a ridiculously strange workaround.

Open Outlook, click File -> Options. Click OK to close the Options window. Now open a message and notice it opens ON TOP of the main Outlook window.

This must be repeated EVERY TIME Outlook is opened.

Salesforce - seriously, hire someone who can code a proper plugin - pleading ignorance on your site to this obvious and known issue is pathetic.





Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 1


In Outlook 2013 the OneNote add-in was what caused this "always on top" behavior. I only needed to disable this extension and the issue was gone. Don't have 2010 to test same fix there.


Posted 2010-07-01T07:34:15.960

Reputation: 317