How to find the ten largest files in Windows 7?



How can I find the ten largest files on the D: drive in Windows 7?


Posted 2010-06-24T05:08:31.660

Reputation: 4 239



The following in PowerShell should suffice:

Get-ChildItem -Recurse D:\ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
    Sort -Descending Length |
    Select -First 10

or shorter:

gci -r D:\ -ea 0 | sort Length -desc | select -f 10


Posted 2010-06-24T05:08:31.660

Reputation: 36 381

Side note: I explicitly set ErrorAction for the Get-ChildItem so that any errors due to insufficient rights are suppressed. Otherwise there'd be a bunch of red lines before the actual output. Still, I think it nicely shows how easy to use PowerShell can be :-) – Joey – 2010-06-24T12:04:47.240


Try WinDirStat

WinDirStat reads the whole directory tree once and then presents it in three useful views:

  • The directory list, which resembles the tree view of the Windows Explorer but is sorted by file/subtree size,
  • The treemap, which shows the whole contents of the directory tree straight away,
  • The extension list, which serves as a legend and shows statistics about the file types.

alt text

Ivo Flipse

Posted 2010-06-24T05:08:31.660

Reputation: 24 054


JDiskReport Works a lot like WinDirStat, but presents a friendlier pie chart. It also supports listing the "Top 100" in several categories, including size. The only caveat is that it requires Java, but if you already have Java, I really recommend it.


Posted 2010-06-24T05:08:31.660

Reputation: 1 616


SequoiaView can also provide the same functionality as WinDirStat.


Posted 2010-06-24T05:08:31.660

Reputation: 224


A less graphic tool is "TreeSize Free":

TreeSize Free Screenshot

It's bigger brother, "TreeSize Professional", can however do graphics:

TreeSize Professional Screenshot


Posted 2010-06-24T05:08:31.660

Reputation: 4 243

I've used this before. It's very efficient... – Immanuel – 2015-04-28T17:21:59.967


I recommend the FREE Folder Size by MindGems. It provides even better results than the commercial tools listed above and is not cluttered with nonsense data. The most important things for me are the accurate results that it provides, while I can not say that for other similar tools.

Jack Dorsey

Posted 2010-06-24T05:08:31.660

Reputation: 1