Install GCC for Mac? 10.5.8


I am trying to install GCC on Mac. I only need the C standard and whatever is required to compile bison. I see a 2.5GB file that will take me all day. I can't start it today so maybe tomorrow. Is there a smaller option?

I am using Mac OS X 10.5.8.


Posted 2010-06-24T00:12:46.930




May be you can find some binaries online but downloading XCode from Apple is really the best option (even if the file is a bit huge)


Posted 2010-06-24T00:12:46.930

Reputation: 1 301


Your Mac installation disks have a version of XCode on them that you can install, though it's likely not as new as what you can download.

Without knowing what you need to compile bison for, I don't know if a system like homebrew is adequate or not, but it may be something you can look into.


Posted 2010-06-24T00:12:46.930

Reputation: 2 640


Building GCC on MacOS X has usually not worked for me (I think I got it done once; I've compiled it on Solaris many times) - so XCode is the way to go.

Jonathan Leffler

Posted 2010-06-24T00:12:46.930

Reputation: 4 526


If you have XCode installed, In XCode, go to the XCode menu, followed by Preferences, Downloads, and then click on the Install button.

Steven Green

Posted 2010-06-24T00:12:46.930

Reputation: 21


I know this is an old question, but I just ran into this issue, and wanted to share what I found out. If you install macports then you can pull an entire gnu build-essential suite from the repo's.


Posted 2010-06-24T00:12:46.930

Reputation: 384

just a glitch - macports requires XCode installed – kellogs – 2013-01-13T19:15:35.243


Though it does not answer the question for 10.5, for next versions (10.6 & 10.7 at the moment of writing) there is a GCC installer available here ( found it via stackoverflow ).

I think it may be useful for those who will look for the same for the current versions of OS X.

I did try it myself and am using it along with Homebrew to compile and install unix tools. ( Sometimes it needs some LSF-style manual tweaking, but hey -- nobody's perfect ) )


Posted 2010-06-24T00:12:46.930

Reputation: 101


If someone needs it, I bundled GCC 4.2 and CLI tools (make, etc) from official Xcode 3.1.4 package into one archive of 64 Mo. You can download it from the link below.

Antoine Viallon

Posted 2010-06-24T00:12:46.930

Reputation: 1