Can a Netgear Wireless Cable Modem Gateway (CG814GCMR) be used as a wireless bridge?


Can a Netgear Wireless Cable Modem Gateway (CG814GCMR) be used as a wireless bridge?


Posted 2010-06-21T18:34:48.990

Reputation: 31

Do you mean you want it to make a wireless link to an existing AP/"wireless router"/"wireless bridge", and bridge traffic from that wireless link to wired Ethernet machines plugged into the CG814GCMR? – Spiff – 2010-06-22T03:27:47.987



Assign your device an IP address (that exists on the same subnet as your network), turn off your DHCP server and/or NAT functions, disable any firewalls, and hook it up to your network with it broadcasting wirelessly.

It should work.


Posted 2010-06-21T18:34:48.990

Reputation: 18 979

That's how to make it a simple bridging Access Point that bridges frames between a set of individual wireless clients and devices on the LAN ports. It can be context-dependent, but most times someone says "wireless bridge", they're talking about creating a wireless point-to-point link to bridge traffic between two wired LANs, which is not what your answer currently covers. I've asked for clarification from @Vivek. – Spiff – 2010-06-22T03:32:05.700