Commandline tool to convert between text formats?


Possible Duplicate:
Batch-convert files for encoding or line ending

Hello, since I often work with sourcecodes and latex documents written either on windows, linux and osx I was looking for a simple command-line tool available for linux and osx which allows me to quickly convert from a format to another.. I'm sure it must exist!

Something like:

convert -from utf8 -to iso8859-1 oldfile.tex newfile.tex

Can anyone suggest me something useful for my purpose?

In addition it would be nice to have something that is able to guess which text format is used within a document, the final answer would be a tool able to to both things :)

Thanks in advance!


Posted 2010-06-19T18:27:41.563

Reputation: 455

Question was closed 2010-06-19T18:45:19.310

this has been asked many times before. see the duplicate and its "linked questions" sidebar for variations. – quack quixote – 2010-06-19T18:48:32.197

1(the answer to your "bonus question", which may not be immediately obvious in the existing answers, is file.) – quack quixote – 2010-06-19T18:49:38.297

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