Launching Steam games via command line is very slow on Windows



I have written a small daemon which listens for hotkeys and launches any one of the (currently) six Jackbox Party Pack games. It does this by passing a game id to Steam like so:

> Steam.exe steam://rungameid/(jackboxid)

It works except it takes 15 - 20 seconds to launch a new title, even when Steam is already running.

My launcher is not the problem.

At first, I figured the problem was just a bug with my launcher but, upon further investigation, I found that Steam is the cause.

When you use Steam to create a desktop shortcut (right-click the title in the library > Manage > Add desktop shortcut), the resulting shortcut runs the same command.

Running the game in this fashion is just as slow.

The Steam.exe process lights up immediately in the Task Manager like it is doing something, but I don't know what.

Can somebody shed some light on this?

Mike Warcholik

Posted 2020-02-29T22:46:48.677

Reputation: 11

how long does it take to launch the game from Steam itself? – Keltari – 2020-03-01T01:58:49.420

It is instantaneous. – Mike Warcholik – 2020-03-01T03:19:38.177

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