Need software/plugin for complex machine translation


I'm basically looking to translate text embedded in source code. It's about 16.000 lines and 2mil symbols, so it's a bit of an undertaking.

Now, it can be machine translated, the accuarcy doesn't matter too much, however, I can't just upload it to google and have it translated, because each line is numbered, and the document is full of markup language for line breaks, embedded images and such, which need to remain untouched, and google usually makes a mess of it and moves the tags around, ignores tabs etc.

I've found a plugin for Notepad++ but it no longer works (npptranslate on sourceforge). It seemed to do what I need: select a text fragment in a document, press a hotkey and have it google translated right within the document.

Anything among those lines would be acceptable. Please advise.


Posted 2020-02-27T23:28:26.760

Reputation: 1

Question was closed 2020-02-27T23:50:52.227

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