Underwhelming SSD benchmark results


Read benchmarks:

Samsung 850 EVO 250GB, 1 y.o., system drive:

Samsung 850 EVO 250GB read benchmark

Crucial MX500 500GB, just bought, file storage:

Crucial MX500 500GB read benchmark

Why such bad results? Especially for the 850 EVO. Isn't it supposed to be around 500MB/sec? Am I missing something? Some parameter in BIOS?

Or is it just maximum for my 8 y.o. P8Z77-V LE motherboard? Drives are connected via SATA6 ports:

photo of the motherboard


Posted 2020-02-27T11:55:52.717

Reputation: 21

Are you using SATA 3? – harrymc – 2020-02-27T12:19:12.340

@harrymc, it's right there in the question: "everything's connected via SATA6" – Enirsa – 2020-02-27T12:26:34.810

In that case it's probably the motherboard that's too slow. – harrymc – 2020-02-27T12:27:39.337


Are you certain that they are connected via SATA6? Your motherboard specifications mention that the blue sockets are SATA3: https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/P8Z77V_LX/specifications/ and would explain the speed drop.

– Mokubai – 2020-02-27T12:30:11.243

@harrymc, that's what I'm wondering. Is that a thing? Can a mid-tier MB produced in 2012 be too old and slow to reach 500MB/sec or is just something wrong on my part? – Enirsa – 2020-02-27T12:31:11.393

@Mokubai, look for yourself: https://i.imgur.com/9Dae0Qg.jpg

– Enirsa – 2020-02-27T12:33:00.593

Around 500 MB/s is only for sequential access. I'm not sure what access does your test. – harrymc – 2020-02-27T12:37:45.597

@harrymc, oh I see, the test wasn't sequential, it spanned across the whole drive. Run a sequential test, got 500/500 MB/sec for the Crucial drive and 350/150 MB/sec for the Samsung one. Dunno why Samsung sucked so hard, but at least I know now that both the MX500 and the motherboard are fine. Thanks! – Enirsa – 2020-02-27T12:51:10.947



Turned out, I needed to test for the sequential access - now I'm getting kind of expected results at least for the Crucial MX500.

EDIT: Alright, an here is the reason for the bad EVO 850 performance: this port isn't SATA6 even though it's in the row with the actual SATA6 ports


Posted 2020-02-27T11:55:52.717

Reputation: 21