Finding other teenage coders out there


I am a teenager who is very good at coding and I can code in python, java, C#, JavaScript server, client side along with CSS/HTML and a small bit of MYSQL.

The problem I am having is lack of motivation due to laziness and being a teenager itself. I also feel quite lonely in the coding community because I cannot get a job due to me being too young to work in a software engineering/coding company none of my friends are into coding. I always wish I code with other people. Anyone who I do know who codes can only do very basic stuff such as basic python skills.

Is there any communities out there which are for:

  • teenage coders
  • Coders who have a strong knowledge of coding
  • companies who are looking for teenage computer programmers

(sorry if I have put this on the wrong site. If I have can you please suggest to me a better website for this question)


Posted 2020-02-24T17:04:13.930

Reputation: 1

Question was closed 2020-02-24T17:19:54.337

1Your question is off-topic here, and I'm not aware of any site where it'd fit. A couple of things to consider: what do you mean by teenage? You might find intern positions already now. Programming job is far more complex then just coding. "Coders who have a strong knowledge of coding" - you're probably looking for a computer science community, there are plenty of them online. – Máté Juhász – 2020-02-24T19:23:48.447

(do you know any possible examples) – The_Indestructible_Cat – 2020-02-25T21:26:25.333

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