Windows sometimes forces me to ctrl + alt + del to unlock it


When I unlock my home PC, I often get in a situation like this:

  • background is the current windows lock screen image
  • no text like "press ctrl+alt+del"
  • no field to type my password
  • if I click or press any key, I get the windows "background" sound, like when there's a window open that has priority over the one you're clicking. Nothing happens, the field doesn't show up.

When this happens, I don't know if it solves by waiting because I don't have the patience, but if I press ctrl+alt+del the password prompt shows up and I can login. This means I have to press ctrl+alt+del almost every time I want to login even though it's not enabled. When this "bug" happens I also don't see the little texts on the Windows lock screen images.

And after I log in, there's no window awaiting for my action. Today for example I just had Firefox and task manager open.

Clarification: This doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes I get the normal behavior, which is no password field, and any key makes it appear. The bug can happen when I come back from hibernation or after a normal startup.

What could be causing this and how can I avoid it?

Teleporting Goat

Posted 2020-02-22T13:46:36.327

Reputation: 229



I often check Windows Screen Saver settings first. It may be the the setting you have causing the issue.

If additional work is needed, try the regular initial repairs. Open cmd.exe with Run as Administrator and run DISM followed by SFC.

In my experience, settings are normally the issue but try repairing the system. Also update your Power Drivers and BIOS.

dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restoreheath and then

SFC /SCANNOW Restart after all the above.

Also make sure you have a password on your Windows account and that is the account you are using.

Now, failing all of the above, the next step is a Windows 10 Repair Install. This is straightforward to do and repairs many issue. Go to the Microsoft Media Creation Link and use the second option, run in place, and then when it comes up, choose the option to Keep Everything.


Posted 2020-02-22T13:46:36.327

Reputation: 5 395

I really don't think this is a setting, because it doesn't happen all the time. Normal behavior is: No password field, when any key is pressed it appears. That's what I sometimes have. The situation I'm describing is: No password field, any key rings an alert sound. The only thing I can do to type my password is ctrl+alt+del. – Teleporting Goat – 2020-02-22T14:48:26.477

Open cmd.exe with Run as Administrator and run DISM followed by SFC. In my experience, settings are normally the issue but try repairing the system. Also update your Power Drivers and BIOS.

dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restoreheath and then

Restart after all the above. – John – 2020-02-22T14:51:05.130

@John add this to your answer please. – Moab – 2020-02-22T15:05:50.477

Thank you for your help, and I have done so. Good idea. – John – 2020-02-22T15:08:09.320

It's not a settings problem (I don't think you've read my question correctly, you're not describing my situation. Pressing a key does not make the prompt appear, it rings an alert sound), and I ran your commands, the problem's still here. Do you have something else I could try? – Teleporting Goat – 2020-02-23T15:49:14.413

I try settings first as it is the easiest thing to check. Since the initial repairs did not work, the next step is a repair install. I modified my answer to reduce the first part and add the Windows 10 Repair – John – 2020-02-23T19:09:02.100