Wordpress editor: "pick from existing tags" is gone?


In the olden days of Wordpress, I could compose a new post and pick from existing tags using the "Tags" section in the right sidebar. With the current editor, that "Tags" section still lets me enter new tags - but "pick from existing" is gone.

enter image description here

Short of opening the list of existing tags in a new window (/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=post_tag), how do I get this useful functionality back?

Torben Gundtofte-Bruun

Posted 2020-02-18T13:19:47.737

Reputation: 16 308

Question was closed 2020-02-18T13:20:13.483

Please read the tag(s) you included. You are asking an off-topic question. See On Topic.

– DavidPostill – 2020-02-18T13:20:24.723

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