Video editing on Windows Mobile


Does anyone know of any video editing software that works on Windows Mobile?


Posted 2010-06-14T23:47:25.933

Reputation: 647

Question was closed 2010-06-15T01:18:09.603

smartphone questions are generally offtopic on Super User. try asking on PhoneHow.

– quack quixote – 2010-06-15T01:18:44.063

@quack quixote: point taken, however my phone is an order of magnitude faster than my first computer - I couldn't edit video on that either ;-) – Alister – 2010-06-15T01:57:57.943



There are none, period. Windows Mobile 6.5 and below do not have robust enough hardware acceleration APIs to allow an effective video editing solution to surface.


Posted 2010-06-14T23:47:25.933

Reputation: 18 979

That's a bit disappointing. There are some fairly grunty Windows Mobile phones out there. – Alister – 2010-06-15T00:13:45.683