Does anyone know of any video editing software that works on Windows Mobile?
Does anyone know of any video editing software that works on Windows Mobile?
There are none, period. Windows Mobile 6.5 and below do not have robust enough hardware acceleration APIs to allow an effective video editing solution to surface.
That's a bit disappointing. There are some fairly grunty Windows Mobile phones out there. – Alister – 2010-06-15T00:13:45.683
smartphone questions are generally offtopic on Super User. try asking on PhoneHow.
– quack quixote – 2010-06-15T01:18:44.063@quack quixote: point taken, however my phone is an order of magnitude faster than my first computer - I couldn't edit video on that either ;-) – Alister – 2010-06-15T01:57:57.943