How big deal can not applying thermal paste do in gaming?


I'm upgrading my laptop, and I put i5 3210M into it, but my thermal paste didnt arrive yet, I have integrated graphics with 1gb, i ran GTA 5 on 994mb usage settings but I experience (decision by eye) about 15-20fps, while before on i3 2328m, on like 990mb i ran even 50/80fps but with graphics drops, now without thermal paste I cant know if my igpu is so bad or i need thermal paste. I tried before the same settings as on i3 for i5 and it ran even 100fps +, so is it by settings or by thermal paste, can be thermal paste rrally be that big deal? Sorry for being maybe unclear, but I'm bad at english


Posted 2020-02-10T13:50:21.570

Reputation: 1

Question was closed 2020-02-10T19:53:44.853

8Without thermal paste you are at risk of destroying the chips through overheating ... – DavidPostill – 2020-02-10T13:54:08.763

I find it highly unlikely that you're getting 100 fps+ on integrated graphics. Are you sure your board doesn't have something like Nvidia Optimus or similar? As David points out it's horrible idea to run your laptop like that. – Seth – 2020-02-10T13:57:19.303


Thermal paste keeps the magic smoke inside.

– Kamil Maciorowski – 2020-02-10T13:57:35.670

Some CPU chips will shut down almost instantly because it takes very little time to overheat – John – 2020-02-10T14:00:41.300

It's a BIG deal. Thermal paste is on the close order of 20% efficient in heat transfer, whereas air pockets only transfer about 10%. It provides a very important improvement. However, don't put too much on; a thin later is all that's needed to fill in the air pockets. and are good illustrations.

– K7AAY – 2020-02-10T19:46:03.963

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