Why have the "Alt + Tab" visuals disappeared from my Windows 10 (but alt-tabbing still works)?


I use Alt + Tab all the time to switch between opened applications. Lately (never before), it has started acting up in a bizarre manner.

It just happened again, which is why I'm asking this.

When it happens, the Alt + Tab utility visually disappears, while still working functionally. It just is... invisible. There is no "overlay" or anything; it's entirely gone.

If I reboot (which is infeasible for many hours), it will most likely be back again. But why does it happen in the first place? How is it possible that it can happen? I'm almost too baffled to be able to type this coherently.

Things like this just start happening, as if there is a time bomb in the code to go off after a certain time without such things happening.

PS: The WinKey + Tab thing, which is similar but not as good as Alt + Tab, still shows for me, even when the above happens.

Zell Lynch

Posted 2020-01-31T12:32:35.897

Reputation: 1

Are you able to capture a screenshot of this behaviour? – Burgi – 2020-01-31T12:36:38.427

For me, Win+Tab has no visual. Try to see if this happens when booting in Safe mode. – harrymc – 2020-01-31T16:12:46.273

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