How to find if it's Windows 10 1909 French or FrenchCanadian that was installed?


We have 2 different ISO that were used to install Windows 10:

SW_DVD9_Win_Pro_10_1909_64BIT_French_Pro_Ent_EDU_N_MLF_X22-17398 and SW_DVD9_Win_Pro_10_1909_64BIT_FrenchCanadian_Pro_Ent_EDU_N_MLF_X22-17399

We want to eliminate the FrenchCanadian version so we need a way to find out where it was installed. We use SCCM so if we could have a query to populate a collection with the computers running the FrenchCanadian version, that would be the best. Could also use PowerShell to run scripts on every computer if that's necessary.



Posted 2020-01-24T17:01:13.543

Reputation: 1

1Hello and welcome here! Did you think about running the Get-WinSystemLocale in powershell? Those with the French Canadian iso will have the FR-CA locale. (LCID 3084) – Natsu Kage – 2020-01-24T17:21:12.107


Was just about to suggest what @NatsuKage mentioned. Here is a link to the relevant docs:

– MC10 – 2020-01-24T17:22:17.553

Hi and thank you Natsu Kage. I did in fact run Get-WinSystemLocale in PowerShell on both versions and they come out with the same information: Fr-CA (LCID 3084). It probably comes from the fact that we selected the Fr-CA language on both versions at install. So unfortunately, that command is of no use to tell them apart now. – SuperduperPackager – 2020-01-24T17:51:03.753

Ok. I thought you wanted to use the French locale only. You can try [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version or systeminfo and see if they give a different result. source:

– Natsu Kage – 2020-01-24T17:58:19.607

Ultimately we want to use the Fr-CA locale on the French ISO installations only. So we need to get rid of the FrenchCanadian ISO installations. You would think that once you select the Fr-CA locale on both ISO, they end up being the same, but no. There's a difference between the French and the FrenchCanadian ISO installations even when both are configured to use the Fr-CA locale. I tried [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version and systeminfo and it doesn't seem to give me exactly what I need to differenciate them easily. – SuperduperPackager – 2020-01-24T18:17:22.840

1It appears that Get-ComputerInfo -Property "WindowsBuildLabEx" should contained the value you are looking for. – Ramhound – 2020-01-24T18:37:08.810

No sorry, that command gives the exact same result on both versions. – SuperduperPackager – 2020-01-24T18:42:38.667

1Get-ComputerInfo -Property "OsLanguage" seems to do the trick though. It returns Fr-FR or Fr-CA depending on which ISO was used for installation. Thanks for suggesting Get-ComputerInfo Ramhound, it led me to find the solution. – SuperduperPackager – 2020-01-24T18:51:21.730



Get-ComputerInfo -Property "OsLanguage" seems to do the trick. It returns Fr-FR or Fr-CA depending on which ISO was used for installation. Thanks for suggesting Get-ComputerInfo Ramhound, it led me to find the solution.


Posted 2020-01-24T17:01:13.543

Reputation: 1