Unable to start hostednetwork


I am facing a annoying issue and i've tried many solutions without success.

What i am trying to do is to get access to internet from my laptop (windows 10), from an ethernet connection of my desktop PC (windows 7).

The wifi cards are :

  • Netgear A6210 on my desktop PC
  • Killer 1650 on my laptop

What i've tried so far :

  • Creating an ad hoc wifi between the two pc : not fonctionning since windows 10 doesn't support it (it doesn't even appear on the wifi list)
  • Creating a hotspot with my phone (galaxy S9) wich is NOT connected to the internet itself : a can connect the pwo PC, but i haven't found a way to share internet between two clients of the same wifi
  • Creating a hotspot from my windows 7 desktop PC but... It is not working.

When i try to create a hotspot from my desktop, i am faced with this classic error :

The hosted network couldn't be started. The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.

What i've already tried :

  • Activate connexion sharing for my LAN card
  • Activate / deactivate wifi and / or Lan card
  • Change wifi drivers to the latest
  • netsh wlan hostednetwork mode=allow

Here is some informations you may need to help me(sry it is in french) :

  • netsh wlan show driver show that hostednetwork is supported 1
  • netsh wlan show hostednetwork show a "not available" 2
  • here is a screenshot of my network cards on device manager with hidden devices : 3

Thank you very much for your time, i would be very thankful if someone could help !


Posted 2020-01-21T09:07:40.517

Reputation: 1

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