What is taking my SSD to 100% utilize with the extremely slow read speed?


Recently, I found significant slowdown of my Firefox cold startup on my PC with SSD drive. Previously, my Firefox could cold start in less than 2 seconds. Now, it could take from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

When I check with Task Manager, this is what I saw: enter image description here From the image you can see that the SSD is utilizing 100% with average response time over 11 seconds and the read speed is less than 3MB/s.

When I run Google Chrome, the browser cold start in less than 2 seconds. The Task Manager there shows it does not even utilize 50% and the read speed is over 180MB/s.

This question here is not to ask about how to fix my Firefox. But, what is taking my SSD to 100% utilize with the extremely slow read speed?


Posted 2020-01-06T14:12:45.340

Reputation: 399

Click processes and check/sort the disk tab at the top. See if anything is hogging the SSD. – NiallUK – 2020-01-06T14:31:57.550

Your question isn't able to be answered with the information you've provided. The SSD make/model is required, as all SSDs are not created equally, as well as free space available (10% of an SSDs total size should be configured for Over Provisioning), what process is being listed as using the most disk access percentage, and likely additional info I'm not thinking of – JW0914 – 2020-01-06T14:34:34.097

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