Destination Folder Access Denied - You need permission to perform this action


I am trying to write files to a mapped network drive (from one server to another).

I am trying to write as a user 'opcon' on our 'opcon' server to a mapped drive that is on our image server, and which it seems 'opcon' has permissions for, but I am having no success. Anybody know what i need to do?

Both the Opcon and Image servers are Windows Server 2012 R2

Properties says that opcon has Full Control:

Properties says that opcon has Full Control

But when I try and right-click create new file in that directory:

But when I try and right-click create new file in that directory

Net use results with a space:

Net use results with a space

Net use results without a space

[Net use results without a space][5]

Aiden McHugh

Posted 2020-01-03T18:25:15.413

Reputation: 11

There are share permissions and NTFS file permissions. They are separate things. Check them from the server side if you can. – Señor CMasMas – 2020-01-03T18:34:38.227

Open cmd.exe on the first server. Then NET USE T: \secondserver\folder and authenticate. What numerical Windows error do you get? – John – 2020-01-03T18:35:23.803

With what is probably the wrong path - a 67. Then I put a space after the colon and got 85 – Aiden McHugh – 2020-01-03T19:20:54.407

You don’t show who owns the folder or the permission inheritance – Ramhound – 2020-01-03T19:33:12.027

From an Internet search on Error 85 "System error 85 happens when a user attempts to map a particular resource to a network drive. To put it simply, this error is caused by a user attempting to use a network drive letter that is already in use by another network drive." See if changing the user name helps. You were using the same name – John – 2020-01-03T19:46:29.363



Ok, so I somehow managed to get logged out and logged in again as my already existing Stack Exchange account

but Senor CMasMas tip about NFTS vs Sharing helped me figure this out

I followed and changed Sharing Permissions


Posted 2020-01-03T18:25:15.413

Reputation: 101

1You should specify within the answer, what you did exactly, instead of entirely relying on the external link – Ramhound – 2020-01-03T20:35:07.580