How to get Outlook 2019 overdue tasks to turn red?


In Outlook 2019 Options, in the Tasks tab, I have Overdue task colour set to red which I think is the default.

In the To Do list view, overdue tasks are indeed shown in red.

But in the Calendar view, and when you have Daily Task List on Normal, the overdue tasks are shown as the same colour as non-overdue tasks.

How to do get overdue tasks to show up as red colour (or the colour which you have selected in option) in the Calendar view?


Posted 2020-01-02T14:55:55.967

Reputation: 425

I can't figure out which field you are saying (>> But in the Calendar view, and when you have Daily Task List on Normal, the overdue tasks are shown as the same colour as non-overdue tasks.) Could you please provide some pictures to make it clearer? – Aidan – 2020-01-06T09:38:46.057

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