Rpi 4 (Buster) + VLC 3.0.8 What VLC Codec to use with marquee


I am working with a RPi 4B+ (2GB), VLC 3.0.8, an mp4 and marquees. I am running this from the CLI (not using clvc yet but will).

Presently, VLC is set to automatically select the Video Codec. I have had very inconsistent results with that approach in terms of playing the mp4 as well as whether the marquee displays or not. So I have tried selecting the CODEC manually. That is not producing better results for me.

Do a ton of looking online I am not finding a clear answer on the CODEC that should be used with the RPi 4 and I find references to having to compile VLC to appropriate hardware support for the RPi. Is there a straight forward answer on the CODEC and the compiling of VLC for RPi??

Thanks for your time


Posted 2019-12-29T16:48:10.470

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