Cygwin shell in VS Code tries to activate conda. How to prevent this?


In my Windows 10 computer I have VS Code and Cygwin installed. I use Cygwin bash as the shell for VS Code. I also have the Anaconda Python distribution installed.

Whenever I open a new shell in VS Code, it tries to run

cd C:/path/to/a/folder/that/does/not/exist/
conda activate base

This obviously fail. But I do not care, because my shells work great as they are. I do not want to activate conda.

How I do I make my bash inside VS Code stop running those 2 commands?

EXTRA INFO: This does no happen on normal Cygwin shells (outside VS Code) This only happens for a new shell. The shell that opens as VS Code starts does not do this.


Posted 2019-12-20T12:11:30.247

Reputation: 113

Check if Vscode has any anaconda extension or something. Also check if .bashrc or .bash_profile in cygwin home folder has any conda related commands. – Biswapriyo – 2019-12-20T13:43:39.383



Found the solution on

One needs to add

"python.terminal.activateEnvironment": false,

to settings.json


Posted 2019-12-20T12:11:30.247

Reputation: 113