Cygwin Folders Deleted


This is very weird.

Under Windows 8, I have a computer running bash script calling Cygwin routines downloading files and executing Windows programs over them.

After using Cygwin almost everyday, today at 16:45 UTC (last modification date), the sbin\, bin\ folders under the Cygwin64\ folders appear empty.

Other Cygwin folders also appeared to be changed today at that same time, etc\, lib\, Packages\, tmp\, usr\, dev\. They have folders inside, but no folder have any files on it (i.e. empty). Of course, var\log\ is empty too.

I don't have any specific clue about how to debug this. No other user access this computer (?).

My only suspect is some other service being updated -e.g. Windows Defender- and deleting the Cygwin folders by considering them a "virus", or something like that. But nothing appear under History>Quarantined Items, History>Allowed Items or History>All Detected Items.

Other possible interaction is with some insubordinate choco auto-update (?). Which I really doubt, because choco never does auto-updates.

A last theory is some insuburdinate bash code deleting the cygdrive\ folder unintentionally (how?) (why?).

I don't have any other possible cause.

Where should I start looking for realizing what happened and eventually fixing this?


Posted 2019-12-17T00:50:55.873

Reputation: 197

Question was closed 2020-01-04T15:57:21.757

Are you logged in with the right user? Was there a Windows update? Have you tried reinstalling over the top of your previous installation? – Burgi – 2020-01-02T17:27:29.357

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