Simple software for working with webcam



Is there some simple software, that can only take pictures (or take pictures and shoot video) from webcam?

I'm looking for single-purpose simple application, not some complicated streaming/broadcasting solutions.

Is there any freeware app that does just that?

Tom Pažourek

Posted 2010-06-10T14:14:27.557

Reputation: 294

1What operating system? – zimmer62 – 2010-06-10T14:31:25.033

What web cam? Surely when you bought it, it came with software, or is it integrated in your notebook? – JL. – 2010-06-10T14:32:38.243

2The software which comes with webcam is awful and too overloaded with features, graphics... It's too complicated. – Vasyl Boroviak – 2010-06-10T14:34:31.733

It came with software, but that doesn't work on my current operating system, Windows 7. Also, Vasiliy Borovyak is right. – Tom Pažourek – 2010-06-10T20:05:14.130



Try this site


interesting demo they have.. it will capture for you and give you a link where you can download that image.

Requires flash


Posted 2010-06-10T14:14:27.557

Reputation: 1 343


Webcam Timershot

This PowerToy lets you take pictures at specified time intervals from a Webcam connected to your computer and save them to a location that you designate.

Can be found here:


Posted 2010-06-10T14:14:27.557

Reputation: 1 343


there is a simple solution to your problem... try this link

I hope this will solve your problem. good luck


Posted 2010-06-10T14:14:27.557

Reputation: 101

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– Ben N – 2016-01-10T04:45:46.763

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– Simon – 2013-05-15T07:01:58.467