Chrome: Site has updated in the background


I keep getting these notifications despite not having an RT tab open. What gives?

enter image description here


Posted 2019-12-13T20:21:38.243

Reputation: 13



Websites in Chrome will ask you for permission before they display notifications. If you grant that permission, the site can send notifications even if no related tabs are open.

To revoke the permissions for

  • On your computer, open Chrome
  • Go to
  • To the left of the web address, click the icon you see. (It will likely be a lock or information icon)
  • Click Site settings.
  • Change the Notifications setting. Your changes will automatically save.

Instructions taken from Chrome's support pages

Mikey T.K.

Posted 2019-12-13T20:21:38.243

Reputation: 3 224

+1 You got there first. – harrymc – 2019-12-13T21:00:40.737

ahh easy, I thought there may have been bidirectional communication – Bringle – 2019-12-14T17:27:00.090