What is the brute force preventable measures does Windows 10 RDP (remote desktop) have?


I am setting up a Windows 10 remote desktop at home and was wondering what stops hackers from brute forcing my Windows 10 desktop via remote desktop? Do they get IP banned if they retry a certain amount of times?

Patoshi パトシ

Posted 2019-12-11T23:59:56.767

Reputation: 1 687

Outsiders have to get into your computer first, so secure the computer and the network the computer hooks into – John – 2019-12-12T00:07:23.080

1The default behavior unless you change is to lock a user account after too many unsuccessful attempts to access the account – Ramhound – 2019-12-12T00:50:31.607

@Ramhound so by default win10 locks the computer or just the user after how many attempts? – Patoshi パトシ – 2019-12-12T16:14:34.683

1@Patoshiパトシ - What is not clear about my comment? I specifically indicated that the user account would be locked. – Ramhound – 2019-12-12T16:58:02.743

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