Linux. Issues with changing keyboard layout. Is there is a way to change keydown to keyup trigger?


I've faced the following problem on Linux: when I use alt+shift for changing keyboard layout it's prevented me when I'm working in emacs. I've tried to switch to super+space key combination but every time I change layout right panel always appear (I'm using MX Linux). In general, such behavior breaks a lot of hotkeys in different apps (for ex. firefox). Is there exist a common solution to solve this issue? It seems that it will be a solution if I can change the triggering of the system hotkeys on keyup instead of keydown. I've tried to find such a solution, but my searches were not succeeded.

Thanks in advance.


Posted 2019-12-10T12:33:59.337

Reputation: 1

Try to use native xorg keyboard switching layout with setxkbmap. e.g. setxkbmap us,hu ,102_qwerty_dot_dead -option grp:alt_shift_toggle,numpad:microsoft – Ipor Sircer – 2019-12-11T03:53:05.390

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