How can I prevent Windows 10 from launching any app when clicking on a email link?


Whenever I click on anything that has a @ symbol in browser, Word, Excel, or anywhere else, Windows launches Mail app. I do not want it to launch anything. I uninstalled the Mail app, so now Windows launches a table asking me which program to use to open that link. I do not want to use any program, I just want Windows to ignore me clicking on email addresses. How do I do that?

Justinas Rubinovas

Posted 2019-12-06T19:33:55.117

Reputation: 21



You probably have set Word to automatically detect and convert text to hyperlinks, so it indeed converted text containing @ to hyper-links.

To undo this option:

  • Enter the menu File > Options > Proofing,
  • Click AutoCorrect Options...
  • In the dialog, position to the AutoFormat tab
  • Untick "Internet and network paths with hyperlinks"
  • Click OK.
  • To convert to simple text all existing hyperlinks, press Ctrl+A to select the entire document and then press Ctrl+Shift+F9

Take a backup of the document before starting on the above.

Excel is a particularly difficult case, because it follows a hyperlink with a simple click, unlike Word that only does it for Ctrl+Click. This makes it quite frustrating to edit a cell that contains a hyperlink.

You will find various methods for editing such fields and avoiding activating the hyperlink in the post How to stop Excel following hyperlinks when I click on them?


Posted 2019-12-06T19:33:55.117

Reputation: 306 093

This isn't just on Word, but on dozens of other applications. And in most cases, I do need them as hyperlinks. I just don't need them to be opened on this particular PC. – Justinas Rubinovas – 2019-12-06T20:18:55.033

Each application may have its options - this isn't a Windows settings. Office apps have it in Options > Proofing, but you need to do them one by one. A global possibility is that you might possibly have installed a utility that does it, which you can test by booting into Safe mode to disable it. – harrymc – 2019-12-06T20:23:30.740

In any case, you need Ctrl+Click to follow a link, just a click shouldn't be enough. – harrymc – 2019-12-06T20:27:24.347

Sir, I believe you misunderstand. Each application has options to turn the words with "@" symbol into hyperlinks or not, but clicking on such links is a Windows "mailto" protocol, which I want to disable. This behavior isn't application-dependent. – Justinas Rubinovas – 2019-12-06T20:27:33.730

This will only be automatic in the browser. A simple click shouldn't be enough in desktop apps. – harrymc – 2019-12-06T20:29:44.203

1Well, but it is. In Excel, for example, a simple click is enough to launch Mail app. – Justinas Rubinovas – 2019-12-06T20:36:16.943

Verified: Does not happen in Word, but does happen in Excel. I added in my answer a link to a useful post, but this requires some discipline when working in Excel. – harrymc – 2019-12-06T20:50:22.983

I checked out that link, but what these people are suggesting are workarounds, not a solution. I need a solution. Keep the hyperlinks, but make the program ignore them when clicked. Just like it's handled in Word. – Justinas Rubinovas – 2019-12-07T07:43:11.323

So would many other people, but Microsoft doesn't listen. Microsoft itself suggests only the methods of the right-click or the long click.

– harrymc – 2019-12-07T09:26:20.747


Someone has to make an app that handles the mailto protocol. The app must not do anything (like silently open and close itself).

You can test the reasoning in PowerShell:

(Set-ItemProperty 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\mailto\Us
erChoice' -Name ProgId).ProgID

When it asks for a value, leave it blank.

Now Windows will either reset it on its own or ask you which app you want.

More convincingly, if you go into regedit and delete the HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\mailto\UserChoice node, Windows will eventually notice its gone and recreate it.


Posted 2019-12-06T19:33:55.117

Reputation: 18 859


I can only imagine that you are clicking on the @ to copy some text around that. If so, I basically start the mouse select from before the link and slide over the "@" area, then copy, then edit that elsewhere as I use it. Hopefully there is at least a space between email addresses where you can start your select.

If this isn't the use case, please clarify.

Hans Schulze

Posted 2019-12-06T19:33:55.117

Reputation: 11

That is sometimes the case, but most of the times, it isn't. I just need my PC to ignore these links altogether. What you suggested is sometimes very inconvenient. For example, I need to double-click a word that as the "@" symbol in it, rather than doing the slide selection. – Justinas Rubinovas – 2019-12-06T19:51:46.820

1You don’t indicate what application these links appear in, however, it’s the application that’s making them into links that Windows is treating as a mailto link. – Ramhound – 2019-12-06T20:01:11.607

This isn't just on Word, but on dozens of other applications. And in most cases, I do need them as hyperlinks. I just don't need them to be opened on this particular PC. – Justinas Rubinovas – 2019-12-06T20:18:58.093

So disable the functionality within the application on that PC? – Ramhound – 2019-12-06T20:48:36.200

Most applications do not have an option to disable it... But it still depend on Windows as to which mail application to launch - and I want to tell Windows to ignore this request when it receives it from any application. – Justinas Rubinovas – 2019-12-07T07:40:05.950