Eee PC 900 dies quickly regardless of battery


I received an old Eee PC 900. It works fine, except the battery charges and discharges really quickly (under an hour).

I thought this was an issue with the battery, so I bought a new one with about twice the capacity. It did not fix the problem. I tested the charger - it outputs 12.3V, which seems fine, as the label says "12V". I also tried charging for much longer, past 100%, but nothing changed.

Is there anything I can do other than replacing the entire motherboard?


Posted 2019-12-05T20:01:18.450

Reputation: 1

1I assume the device has never properly worked while you had it? – Ramhound – 2019-12-05T20:03:26.477

@Ramhound Yes, the issue has been there since day one. Also, the previous owner had the device connected to the charger at all times. – programical – 2019-12-05T20:10:23.487

1Let me guess the replacement battery is a generic battery from an unknown manufacture? – Ramhound – 2019-12-05T20:12:46.607

@Ramhound Well... yes. It doesn't have the Eee PC series logo on it, unlike the original battery. – programical – 2019-12-05T20:20:30.407

1Two options: Second battery is also bad, or the motherboard has a problem and is incapable of charging it. – harrymc – 2019-12-05T21:29:10.380

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