Windows Snipping Tool image pasted into Word gets destroyed when Calc'ing with F9


When I Copy an image with the Snipping Tool (built into Windows 10) and paste into a Word document, then highlight the image, then press F9 (Calc), Word makes the image unreadable and the embedded image is replaced with the following message: ‘The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.’ It feels like somehow Word thinks the image being pasted is a link to a file. How can I embed the image so that recalcing all fields (Ctrl+A, then F9) in the document will not destroy the image?

Keith Howard

Posted 2019-11-26T13:29:24.583

Reputation: 1

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. – Ramhound – 2019-11-26T14:56:56.807

Unbelievable, but I can duplicate what you describe. However, when I paste-in from the Snipping Tool, this doesn't happen. Are you pasting using anything else than just Ctrl+V? Do you edit first the image in any way? – harrymc – 2019-11-26T16:14:43.393

Hi Harry, Thanks for your effort. Now I cannot seem to duplicate the problem. The problem is evident in the file that I showed you, however, when I copy an image from the Snipping Tool and paste it into that same Word document, F9 does not seem to destroy the graphic. So, something must be happening to that file after I paste the image to cause the problem. I will research and carefully and post again here. I may need some time. – Keith Howard – 2019-11-26T18:14:49.950

Perhaps a one-time occurrence caused by a missed click. (Add to your comment @harrymc for me to be notified.) – harrymc – 2019-11-26T21:08:35.387

Hello @harrymc I did more testing and possibly figured out the source of the problem. I wrote the following guidance: Copying an image from an email to a document

Do this by undertaking each following action:

Use the Snipping Tool to make a copy of the image within the email. Paste the clipboard into the document.

Do not copy the image from the email directly (using e.g., 1) Ctrl +C or 2) right click, then copy), because such image is unstable and will be lost when the pasted image is updated using F9.

– Keith Howard – 2019-12-02T14:28:36.570

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