Don't know if this is a really specific question or you'll help me out. Please do. I just bought a DeLock DisplayPort cable for my Lenovo T500. Tried to use it with the in-built Intel MHD4500, no use. With the ATI HD3650 (you can switch between the two vga on this machine) I get a normal picture, but only on 59hz. On 60 I get a smaller desktop size (strange).
Any idea what can cause this? Will I have any problem if I use the 59hz?
(Was using the display with a VGA cable but I get a blurry picture with that (dont matter what device I attach, VGA is like this on this display) and thats why I wanted to change.)
(Edit: I'll reinstall my laptop soon, because only 2.5gb gets recognised from the 4gb memory. Don't think this helps anyway, just wanted to mention it.)
Excuse me? What was a bug? Can you please elaborate on what you discovered in case others can use the information? Thanks. – Abraxas – 2011-07-23T09:49:40.443
Oh, sure. The display refresh rate is set correctly. 59 hz means 60 hz here. It only gets displayed wrong. – Apache – 2011-07-23T18:10:12.930