Messed up my .bash_profile remotely, can't ssh back in



I'm using a GNU/Linux system remotely, via SSH.

I mistakenly added something into my $HOME/.bash_profile scriot which causes an error. (To be specific: I added an exec foo command instead of . foo, applied to another bash script without execution permissions, which results in an error.)

Now I can't seem to SSH, SCP or SFTP into my machine: bash, my login shell, tries to run the exec foo command, gets the error and throws me out! I don't have any other account I can access remotely.

Is there something I can do to restore access to the system?

Additional details:

  • Most ports other than for SSH are unavailable since the machine is behind a firewall.
  • It's a Devuan 3 ASCII (~= Debian 10 Beowulf) system.


Posted 2019-11-23T18:02:11.490

Reputation: 5 032

Assuming this is your machine, so you know the root password, why not simply log in as root? – jamesqf – 2019-11-25T17:14:48.220


@jamesqf: That should really not be possible.

– einpoklum – 2019-11-25T18:24:45.913

1The OP says it's his machine, so I would think he has physical access to it. If not, there surely must be a sysadmin or someone who can. Though I would think that this question ought to occasion a bit of thought about whether not allowing root logins via ssh is really that bad an idea :-) – jamesqf – 2019-11-26T04:38:28.553

4@jamesqf: I have physical access to the machine when I'm near it; now I'm remote. – einpoklum – 2019-11-26T08:11:43.053

2Physical access is nice and all; but it requires...well...physical access. Travel there, climb the tower, defeat the dra- sorry, got a bit carried away there. – Piskvor left the building – 2019-11-26T13:37:52.047

@jamesqf I don't think it suggests that permitting root logins via ssh is a good idea, but it might suggest that keeping an empty, backup, non-admin account that you can log into if you feck up your "main" account may be a good idea. Then you can sudo and do whatever you need to do to recover. This would have the same security as your "main" account, except that you have given an attacker an additional account to try breaking into, but given you'll be using keys I don't think this is a problem. – Lightness Races with Monica – 2019-11-26T20:07:56.597



As described here you can use

ssh -t user@host bash --noprofile

in fact, as @JoL suggests, you don't even need the --noprofile, since when ssh executes bash as just another command, it's not considered a login shell. Running ssh -t user@host bash will only read the RC files; and running ssh -t user@host bash --norc will not read even those.

styrofoam fly

Posted 2019-11-23T18:02:11.490

Reputation: 1 746

2You don't need --noprofile. ssh -t user@host bash already doesn't read the profile. The reason is because the profile is only read for "interactive login shells", and by doing ssh -t user@host bash you have a login non-interactive shell invoking a non-login interactive shell, so neither reads it. – JoL – 2019-11-26T17:28:40.397

@JoL: Please go ahead and edit the answer to reflect that. – einpoklum – 2019-11-26T20:16:29.720

@einpoklum-reinstateMonica Seems like you beat me to it. However, you miswrote the option name as --newprofile. Also, "since when ssh executes bash as just another command, it's not considered a login shell" is slightly inaccurate. It's probably pedantic of me, but the bash that ssh executes is a login shell. It's the bash that bash executes that is not. The process hierarchy is sshd -> bash (login non-interactive) -> bash (non-login interactive). – JoL – 2019-11-26T21:40:25.197


Try to SSH and run sh instead of bash, e.g.

ssh user@host sh

Then rename (mv) or edit the broken file (ex/vi).


Posted 2019-11-23T18:02:11.490

Reputation: 16 795

1I +1'ed you, but it's more convenient to have bash then just plain sh, like @styrofoamfly suggests... – einpoklum – 2019-11-23T23:05:45.773

46Given that you aren't really going to do anything except run an editor to fix .bash_profile one you are logged in, I don't see how it matters what shell features are available. – chepner – 2019-11-24T19:15:03.840

7This might work, but you can't count on "sh" actually being a different shell. For example on this Ubuntu box, /bin/sh is a symlink to /bin/dash. – spuck – 2019-11-25T18:40:01.780

10@spuck sh might be the same binary as bash, but it will still change its behaviour when invoked as "sh" (including not reading Bash-specific files) for exactly this reason. – Kilian Foth – 2019-11-26T07:31:26.913


Run ssh -t host vi .bash_profile (or the editor of you choice in place of vi) and fix your .bash_profile.

(The -t option may not be needed, depending on which editor you choose.)

If you know exactly what needs to be fixed, you may be able to fix it non-interactively. For example, something like

printf 's/exec foo/. foo/\nwq\n' ssh host ed .bash_profile


Posted 2019-11-23T18:02:11.490

Reputation: 5 645

For beginners who don't know vi, nano, nano-tiny or mcedit are convenient choices. (These editors are not always installed, but it's worth a try.) – pts – 2019-11-26T15:02:59.057


If only ~/.bash_profile is messed up, see the other answers for fixing it. The rest of this answer elaborates on fixing all (other) login scripts.

If you are unlucky enough that you have echo Bad luck; exit 42 in the beginning of both your ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile, and you have /bin/bash as your login shell, and ssh root@host doesn't work either, then its unlikely that you are able to fix it remotely. That's because sshd will insist on running your login shell, and the first /bin/bash will read either ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile, and specifying bash --norc --noprofile is too late, because the /bin/bash run by sshd doesn't have these flags, no matter what you specify in the ssh command-line.

If you've messed up only ~/.bashrc, then run this to fix it:

echo mv -f .bashrc .bashrc.mess | ssh host

If you've messed up only ~/.bash_profile and/or ~/.profile and/or ~/.bash_login, then run this to fix it:

ssh host 'mv -f .bash_profile .bash_profile.mess; mv -f .profile .profile.mess; mv -f .bash_login .bash_login.mess'

After the fix, you can do ssh host as usual, and clean up the login script files in your favorite editor or using scp, sftp or rsync to transfer files and editing them locally.


Posted 2019-11-23T18:02:11.490

Reputation: 5 441

1So, this will work, but you're over-complicating the explanation and eventually suggesting a slight variation on existing answers. – einpoklum – 2019-11-26T15:54:12.960

@einpoklum-reinstateMonica: My answer adds the following over existing answers: 1. What happens if all login scripts are broken? 2. A different fix is needed depending on which login script is broken. 3. Provides fix for a broken ~/.bashrc . All of this can be relevant for future users who find this question. If you have a way to provide all this additional information and explanation in a simpler way, please suggest an edit. – pts – 2019-11-26T16:03:30.067

@einpoklum-reinstateMonica: 4. Not all users are comfortable running a text editor within an SSH session. This answer provides fixes avoiding that. – pts – 2019-11-26T16:13:16.400


  • I didn't ask about "all login scripts". 2. bash --noprofile should be ok., because... 3. When bash is a login shell it doesn't run rc files anyway. Finally, the bash run by sshd is just a command - you can choose the flags you like.
  • < – einpoklum – 2019-11-26T16:23:23.540


  • StackExchange is not only for helping the OP, but also for helping anyone having a similar problem in the future, finding this question later. 2. bash --noprofile is a working fix only if ~/.bashrc is not messed up. 3. Correct. Finally, ssh -t host bash --noprofile runs 2 instances of bash: sshd runs /bin/bash -c 'bash --noprofile'. Thus it won't work if ~/.bashrc (sourced by the 1st bash) is messed up, no matter what flags are specified for the 2nd bash, which never gets run.
  • < – pts – 2019-11-26T16:35:03.840

    @einpoklum-reinstateMonica: I'm happy that you have many fixes to choose from, and I'm happy that with my answer I provided value for users who have other login scripts messed up, and/or who are not comfortable running a text editor within an SSH session. – pts – 2019-11-26T16:40:13.890

    Other answers already provide solutions for those cases, actually. – einpoklum – 2019-11-26T16:48:49.920

    @einpoklum-reinstateMonica: I disagree with the opinion that other answers provide solutions for all those cases this answer provides a solution for. Examples (which I already mentioned several times, but I repeat it here for clarity): 2. A different fix is needed depending on which login script is broken. 3. Provides fix for a broken ~/.bashrc . 4. Not all users are comfortable running a text editor within an SSH session. This answer provides fixes avoiding that. (We can argue if ed in another answer is a viable solution for those users, I think it isn't.) – pts – 2019-11-26T18:08:54.680