How to copy folder and rename it with current date and time in powershell?


I am trying to write a powershell script that copies my documents folder to a backups folder that I created in the same directory. my copy-item script looks like this:

copy-item C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\ -destination C:\Users\Administrator\Backups\Backup1\

but instead of Backup1 I want it to say Backup-CurrentDate-Time

I know I need to use the get date function but I don't know how to implement it without getting an error

sam ramos

Posted 2019-11-19T22:34:08.060

Reputation: 23



You can use the Get-Date module and command substitution:

 copy-item .\documents\ -destination .\my-backup-$(Get-Date -format "yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm_ss")


Posted 2019-11-19T22:34:08.060

Reputation: 198