Understand vmstat output in Solaris


What does r b w column exactly means in vmstat output.

Does r means number of threads which are waiting for CPU or number of threads currently running .

Also what does b and w column means.

When i run vmstat on our system we get values in r column as more than 20 , 30 sometimes . Is this an issue . Does it mean 20 , 30 threads are waiting for CPU and do we need to increase CPU in that scenario.

Also if someone can point to any documentation which explain this in detail .


Posted 2019-11-18T10:04:21.190

Reputation: 7



They are processes not threads:

From 'man vmstat': The fields of vmstat's display are

      procs Report the number of processes  in  each  of  the
            three following states:

            r     in run queue

            b     blocked for resources I/O, paging,  and  so

            w     swapped


Posted 2019-11-18T10:04:21.190

Reputation: 46

This is what i got for vmstat in solaris --------------

             r    the number of kernel threads in run queue --------------

             b    the number of blocked kernel threads  that  are  waiting
                  for resources I/O, paging, and so forth -----------------

             w    the  number  of swapped out lightweight processes (LWPs)
                  that are waiting for processing resources to finish.
 – rizwan  – 2019-11-19T07:29:16.990

your man page is probably correct as I have an old version of Solaris. – PaulB – 2019-11-19T16:57:29.350