How to filter loop in watermark with ffmpeg



I need to create a loop filter, but I don't know how, I have this code that already works without the loop filter:

ffmpeg -y -framerate 60 -loop 1 -i backgroud.jpg -loop 1 -i logomark.png -filter_complex"[1]fade=out:st=15:d=0.5[ol];[0][ol]overlay='-h+clip(t*H/5,-10,H*20/100)':W*5/100"-c:v libx264 -t 20 test23.mp4

But I need the loop to be in filter_complex, it would look something like this:

ffmpeg -y -framerate 60 -loop 1 -i backgroud.jpg -i logomark.png -filter_complex "[1]-loop=1,fade=out:st=15:d=0.5[ol];[0][ol]overlay='-h+clip(t*H/5,-10,H*20/100)':W*5/100"-c:v libx264 -t 20 test23.mp4

Josias da Paixao junior

Posted 2019-11-16T13:40:31.620

Reputation: 5



It's "[1]loop=-1:1:0,fade=out:st=15:d=0.5[ol];[0][ol]overlay='-h+clip(t*H/5,-10,H*20/100)':W*5/100:shortest=1".

(Note that you're swapped the order of the X and Y expressions in overlay filter. That may lead to unexpected results.)


Posted 2019-11-16T13:40:31.620

Reputation: 21 016

Yes, I modified it for a watermark to run horizontally. – Josias da Paixao junior – 2019-11-16T16:10:27.970

You are the best. I am very grateful for your help, it worked perfectly. This error was displayed: No such filter: '-loop' Error initializing complex filters. Invalid argument This solution worked for me.->

– Josias da Paixao junior – 2019-11-16T16:46:53.093

There was a typo in your cmd which I carried over. Corrected. – Gyan – 2019-11-16T17:01:49.547

Mais uma vez, obrigado!!! – Josias da Paixao junior – 2019-11-16T17:04:03.303