handbrake failing to encode an flv file



using fast270p30 preset for mp4

activity log:

XPC: Service did report an error [11:09:08] macgui: Error domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain [11:09:08] macgui: Error code: 4097 [11:09:08] macgui: Error description: Couldn’t communicate with a helper application. [11:09:08] macgui: Error debug description: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service on pid 901 named fr.handbrake.HandBrakeXPCService" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service on pid 901 named fr.handbrake.HandBrakeXPCService} [11:09:08] macgui: Failed to create bookmark: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "Could not open() the item" UserInfo={NSURL=file:///Users/Macintosh/Library/Containers/fr.handbrake.HandBrake/Data/Movies/, NSDebugDescription=Could not open() the item} [11:09:08] macgui: Queue Done, there are no more pending encodes [11:09:08] macgui: Failed to create bookmark: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "Could not open() the item" UserInfo={NSURL=file:///Users/Macintosh/Library/Containers/fr.handbrake.HandBrake/Data/Movies/, NSDebugDescription=Could not open() the item} XPC: Service did crash [11:09:08] Compile-time hardening features are enabled [11:09:08] hb_init: starting libhb thread [11:09:08] macgui: QueueCore stopped preventing sleep


Posted 2019-11-16T05:41:24.657

Reputation: 13

Having the same issue as well. I just upgraded via homebrew from a super old version. Went from 0.10.2 -> 1.3.0 @feca – Malcolm Jones – 2019-11-21T01:10:39.040

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