13.66 GB out of 15 Gb used in Gmail delete emails that consumed space


I have an old gmail account and I recently logged in I noticed it saying enter image description here https://one.google.com/u/0/storage?hl=en&utm_medium=web&utm_source=gmail&utm_campaign=manage_storage how do I find out which emails have hogged all the space.

I want to delete all the un necessary emails which have consumed all the space. How do I do this? Is there some tool that can do this I have forgotten which were important emails in this account I don't want to delete all the emails but I want to know how can I reduce problems in this.
I have only 90 such emails more than 5Mb
I am looking for some kind of tool that can help me with this situation.
Here is a screenshot of my email box
70K emails from various mailing lists and kernel groups
70 thousand emails I have from Ubuntu kernel mailing list itself.

other gmail questions by other users on stackoverflow

Also read https://hackernoon.com/the-decline-of-stack-overflow-7cb69faa575d

political science

Posted 2019-11-14T19:08:43.083

Reputation: 223

Question was closed 2019-11-15T06:32:07.827

Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they become outdated quickly and attract opinion-based answers. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve. Share your research. Here are a few suggestions on how to properly ask this type of question. – Ramhound – 2019-11-14T20:53:47.913

1If you use a mail client like MS Outlook (or can), I've found it's a lot easier to manage your storage. You could connect your Gmail account to Outlook, wait for it all to sync, and then go in each folder and sort by size. Look for emails with attachments. If you're like me, you usually save the attachments somewhere, so you could free up a lot of space by selecting each attachment and clicking "Detach" or "Remove attachment". I've saved GBs of space on multiple accounts using this technique. This gets rids of what takes up the most space fast. – InterLinked – 2019-11-15T02:47:13.617

Can’t you just delete the folders? For example, just delete the “Ubuntu Kernel” folder. – rbhat – 2019-11-15T03:15:29.963

Folder deletion will delete some important emails also which I should not delete I have to go through messages before deleting them. – political science – 2019-11-15T03:18:12.353

To reword, remove "I am looking for some kind of tool that can help me with this situation" and replace with "I am looking for methods to resolve this problem effienctly" or words to that effect. Then votes to reopen the question can be cast. – K7AAY – 2019-12-04T17:56:20.813

@K7AAY I don't care stackoverflow and associated websites have become troll websites.Almost all my questions get closed or downvoted.giving you links to check yourself all genuine questions were downvoted or closed by some one who thought it to be non sense 1)https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59174570/find-gcd-of-2-numbers-in-c 2)https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59094035/syms-requires-symbolic-math-toolbox 3)https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58893497/anomaly-detection-in-cloud-computing-environments I ask questions on other forums also now a days I have learned to migrate from SO.

– political science – 2019-12-04T19:47:57.733

Yup. I can see you did not clearly state the problem you needed help with, and just threw code up on the wall, the way you threw screenshots up on the wall here. Folks who volunteer will often want you to get to the chase and be lucid, which I didn't see happening; you also posted here instead of in http://webapps.stackexchange.com where Gmail issues should go, Good-bye.

– K7AAY – 2019-12-04T22:21:17.927

I did clearly state the problem within 30 minutes of me posting the code there it started getting downvoted Check this question https://serverfault.com/questions/994622/internet-connectivity-failure-in-virtual-machines-on-workstation all details given and 2 downvotes. I myself answered it later on.So most of the sties of stackexchange have become like that only read more here https://hackernoon.com/the-decline-of-stack-overflow-7cb69faa575d

– political science – 2019-12-09T03:29:57.383



Install Thunderbird and configure it for IMAP connection to Gmail. Then you can pull down just the headers, find the emails to delete, and selectively delete them instead of having to pull down all the emails with POP to sort through them.


Posted 2019-11-14T19:08:43.083

Reputation: 6 962

I have managed to configure thunderbird on a Ubuntu virtual machine now what exactly should I do if any tutorial link or youtube link you can give that will be great. – political science – 2019-12-09T03:28:52.410

Configure it for IMAP connection to Gmail https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/products/thunderbird/emails-thunderbird pull down just the headers, find the emails to delete, and selectively delete them instead of having to pull down all the emails with POP to sort through them

– K7AAY – 2019-12-12T21:48:40.243


If you are looking for all big emails you can just search


Which will find all emails bigger than 5000000 byres (~5MB) You can also add things like date to narrow down your search more.

Andreas Weigl

Posted 2019-11-14T19:08:43.083

Reputation: 71

1I searched after your message,there are only 90 such emails which are more than 5Mb – political science – 2019-11-14T19:52:42.050

@Andreas Weigl Those big files will be the easiest to move and will save you nearly half a gigabyte so you can have time to find a way to move the rest. – K7AAY – 2019-11-15T00:58:26.777