Does reading an SD card a thousand times reduce its life?



I know writing affect SDCard but I don't know about intense reading


Posted 2019-11-12T02:22:35.843

Reputation: 509


Possible duplicate of What's the life expectancy of an SD card?

– JakeGould – 2019-11-12T03:40:12.760

It’s really impossible to say since most SD media is (honestly) considered disposable and it’s all dependent on the quality of the media being used regardless of reads versus writes. The other thread I am marking this as a dupe over covers it all very well. – JakeGould – 2019-11-12T03:41:42.433

1AS @JakeGould, the question is covered in entirety elsewhere... but reading, per se, should cause no wear, if the card is left in place. Inserting and removing any card or USB device can eventually damage contacts. Bending contact pins is not uncommon, damaging both card and camera. – DrMoishe Pippik – 2019-11-12T04:18:09.707

@DrMoishePippik Or the manufacturing process for the SD card is so cheap that even low voltage reading operations can cause damage. This is why I don’t really respect the accepted answer since it does not factor in the quality issues that might affect the life of flash memory. – JakeGould – 2019-11-12T17:46:42.530



The short answer is no, it does not. This is because the read operations does not involve moving electrons forcefully across the cell and uses much lower voltage than write operations.

The long answer is that flash memory and other similar Non-volatile memories (like Intel's DC-PMM) have very different mechanism for reading a bit compared to writing it. For flash memories a write involves applying a very high voltage across an insulator to tunnel electrons across it. This process when done repeatedly damages the insulator, rendering the cell unusable. The read however involves passing a small current near the insulator which does not damage the cell.

This is not to say that a read cannot damage a cell but, you'd expect its lifetime to be similar to what DRAM's lifetime is (for all practical and non-server use purpose it's infinite).

A very good explanation of all this is here.


Posted 2019-11-12T02:22:35.843

Reputation: 198