Setting hypervisorlaunchtype Off causes emulation error


just a bit of background about what I'm trying to accomplish. So I have a personal computer at home running on AMD 3600x (16GB ram). I migrated a virtual machine into my pc so that I can do my mobile development there. But to my dismay upon migrating, I came upon this error "Call to WHvSetupPartition failed: ERROR_SUCCESS (Last=0xc000000d/87) (VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED)." and I searched around and found this issues forum in GitHub: The fix was running this command into cmd with admin privileges:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

It fixed my problem, however it made me unable to run any of my android emulators' that I created using android studio either inside the VM or from the computer that I'm using itself. So how do I fix this? Or is this unfixable?

Allen Andre Indefenzo

Posted 2019-11-10T13:42:02.503

Reputation: 1

Are you using Hyper-V or VirtualBox? You've disabled Hyper-V with that command. The error you posted is a VirtualBox error indicating that the AMD hardware virtualization is not enabled or accessible. If Hyper-V is enabled, this can cause this, but it can also be caused by Antivirus programs, and other Microsoft features, as well as AMD SVM being disabled. – essjae – 2019-11-11T19:02:00.053

I'm using VirtualBox for the VM. Right now, I enabled Hyper-V so I can do my development work. I enabled SVM already in the BIOS. The problem is I can't run my virtual machine on virtual box when I have Hyper-V on, but when I turn off Hyper-V I can't run any android emulators either inside the VM or from the computer hosting the VM – Allen Andre Indefenzo – 2019-11-12T05:59:58.513

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