How to reset the Windows 7 desktop gadgets?


After changing the Windows Sidebar settings

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Settings.ini

( Where are the settings for the Windows 7 clock gadget stored? )

How do i refresh the Windows Sidebar to pick up these changes?


Posted 2010-06-08T05:54:29.917

Reputation: 1 957



So far i have discovered killing and restarting "sidebar.exe" works.

But I assume there is a better way?


Posted 2010-06-08T05:54:29.917

Reputation: 1 957


On Windows 7, right click on the desktop, view Show desktop gadgets, un-click it, then enable it again.

All the gadgets will initialize.


Posted 2010-06-08T05:54:29.917

Reputation: 21

Please don't add special signature of yours because you've got your own user card which gives your info :-) – Waffle's Crazy Peanut – 2012-12-14T04:50:41.817

In at least my circumstances, that checkbox can't be unchecked, so this answer doesn't work. Simon's suggestion of just whacking sidebar.exe and restarting it does work though. – Harlan – 2013-12-02T18:47:49.047


Save the following to a .bat text file and run it (probably as Administrator) :

:: Created by: Shawn Brink
:: Tutorial:

taskkill /im sidebar.exe /f
regsvr32 /s msxml3.dll 
regsvr32 /s scrrun.dll
regsvr32 /s jscript.dll
regsvr32 /s atl.dll
Regsvr32 /s "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Sidebar\sbdrop.dll" 
Regsvr32 /s "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Sidebar\wlsrvc.dll"
reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones" /f 
"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe"

There's a way to make the last command exit the terminal without waiting on the program, but I forget it. You can just close the terminal.


Posted 2010-06-08T05:54:29.917

Reputation: 325